Objective : To observe effect on blood flow of brain stem after basilar artery occlusion in rats.
目的: 观察大鼠基底动脉闭塞后对脑干血流变化的影响.
——期刊摘选Methods 81 cases of brain stem hemorrhage were reviewed.
互联网They are in the pons part of the brain stem.
互联网Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of CT on brain stem hemorrhage.
互联网I was just like somebody had shut off my brain stem!
互联网Objective: Research primary brain stem damage CT drafts the elephant.
目的: 研究原发性脑干损伤的CT征象.
互联网Objectives : To study the value of EEG in the brain stem injury.
目的: 探讨EEG对 脑干损伤性昏迷的诊断和预后价值.
互联网Objective To investigate the clinical features and image diagnostic charateristics of brain stem infarction to heightrate.
互联网Such lesions are most common in basal ganglia, deep white matter, and brain stem.
此病变多位于基底节 、 白质深部 、 脑干.
互联网They found that some cells in the brain stem produce electrochemical signals only during REM sleep.
互联网Once brain blood vessel has this kind of situation, will have brain stem to die.
一旦脑部血管出现这种情况, 就会发生脑梗死.
互联网Neurologic examinations revealed that the patient had severe sensorimotor and brain stem dysfunction.
互联网The brain stem auditory responses ( BSR ) of 31 subjects with normalhearing were recorded.
本文对31名听力正常的健康人作了脑干听觉电反应 ( BSR ) 描记.
互联网Results CT of brain stem hemorrhage showed high density hemorrhage and hematoma image.
互联网Objective : To observe the potential change brain stem auditognosis of model rats'kainic acid epilepsy.
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